A1. Tsoukias, N. M., Z. Tannous, A. F. Wilson and S. C. George. Single Exhalation Profiles of NO and CO2 in Humans: Effect of Dynamically Changing Flow Rate. Journal of Applied Physiology 85(2):642-652, 1998.
A2. Tsoukias, N. M. and S. C. George. A Two-Compartment Model of Pulmonary Nitric Oxide Exchange Dynamics. Journal of Applied Physiology 85(2):653-666, 1998.
A3. Tsoukias, N. M., A. F. Wilson and S. C. George. Effect of Alveolar Volume and Sequential Filling on the Diffusing Capacity of the Lung: I Theory. Respiration Physiology 120(3):231-250, 2000.
A4. Tsoukias, N. M., D. Dabdub, A. F. Wilson and S. C. George. Effect of Alveolar Volume and Sequential Filling on the Diffusing Capacity of the Lung: II Experiment. Respiration Physiology 120(3):251-271, 2000.
A5. Tsoukias, N. M. and S. C. George. A Single Breath technique with variable flow rate to characterize Nitric Oxide Exchange Dynamics in the Lungs. Journal of Applied Physiology 91(1):477-487, 2001.
A6. Tsoukias, N.M. and S.C. George. Effect of a Volume Dependent Diffusing Capacity on the Exhalation Profile of NO. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 29(9):731-739, 2001.
A7. Tsoukias, N.M. and A.S. Popel. Erythrocyte consumption of Nitric Oxide in the presence and absence of plasma-based Hemoglobin. American Journal of Physiology 282(6):H2265-77, 2002.
A8. Kavdia M., N.M. Tsoukias and A.S. Popel. A model of Nitric Oxide diffusion in an arteriole: impact of hemoglobin based blood substitutes. American Journal of Physiology 282(6):H2245-53, 2002.
A9. Tsoukias, N.M. and A.S. Popel. A model of nitric oxide capillary exchange. Microcirculation 10(6): 479-95, 2003.
A10. Tsoukias, N.M., M. Kavdia and A.S. Popel. A theoretical model of nitric oxide transport in arterioles: frequency vs amplitude dependent control of cGMP formation. American Journal of Physiology 286(3):H1043-56, 2004.
A11. Kapela, A.., Tsoukias N.M. and A. Bezerianos. New aspects of vulnerability in heterogeneous models of ventricular wall and its modulation by loss of cardiac sodium channel function. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 43(3):387-94, 2005.
A12. Ji, J.W., N.M. Tsoukias, D. Goldman, and A.S. Popel. A computational model of oxygen transport in skeletal muscle for sprouting and splitting modes of angiogenesis. Journal of Theoretical Biology 241(1):94-108, 2006.
A13. Kapela, A., A. Bezerianos and N.M. Tsoukias. Integrative Mathematical Modeling for Analysis of Microcirculatory Function. Biological and Medical Data Analysis. Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics: 161-171, 2006.
A14. Bezerianos A., A. Kapela and N.M. Tsoukias. Theoretical Investigation of Ca2+ Dynamics in
Normal and Hypertensive Vascular Walls. Computers in Cardiology: 205-208, 2006.
A15. Silva H.S., A. Kapela and N.M. Tsoukias.A mathematical model of plasma membrane electrophysiology and calcium dynamics in vascular endothelial cells. American Journal of Physiology 293(1):c277-93, 2007.
A16. Tsoukias, N. M., D. Goldman, A. Vadapalli, R. N. Pittman and A. S. Popel. A computational model of oxygen delivery by hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers in three dimensional microvascular networks. Journal of Theoretical Biology 248(4):657-74, 2007.
A17. Kapela A., A. Bezerianos, and N.M. Tsoukias. A mathematical model of Ca2+ dynamics in rat mesenteric smooth muscle: agonist and NO stimulation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 253: 238-60, 2008.
A18. Tsoukias N.M. Nitric Oxide bioavailability in the microcirculation: Insights from mathematical models. Microcirculation 15(8): 2008.
A19. Kapela A., A. Bezerianos and N.M. Tsoukias. A mathematical model of vasoreactivity in rat mesenteric arterioles: I Myoendothelial communication. Microcirculation 16(8):694-713, 2009.
A20. Tercero J., S. Namin, D. Lahiri, K. Balani, N.M. Tsoukias and A. Agarwal. Effect of Carbon Nanotube and Aluminum Oxide Addition on Plasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coating’s Mechanical Properties and Biocompatibility. Materials Science and Engineering C 29(7):2195-2202, 2009.
A21. Lahiri D., Rouzaud, F., Namin, S., Keshri A., Valdes K., Kos L., Tsoukias N., Agarwal, A. Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polylactide-Caprolactone Copolymer: Mechanical Strengthening and Interaction with Human Osteoblasts in- vitro. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 1(11): 2470-76, 2009.
A22. Kapela A. and N.M. Tsoukias. A mathematical model of vasoreactivity in rat mesenteric arterioles: II Conducted vasoreactivity. American Journal of Physiology 298(1):H52-65, 2010.
A23. Tsoukias N.M. Calcium dynamics and signaling in vascular regulation: computational models. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine. 3(1):93-106, 2011.
A24. Kapela A, Tsoukias N. Multi-Scale FEM Modeling of Vascular Tone: From Membrane Currents to Vessel Mechanics. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 58(12):3456-59, 2011.
A25. Kapela A, Nagaraja S, Parikh J, Tsoukias NM. Modeling Calcium signaling in the microcirculation: intercellular communication and vasoreactivity. Critical Reviews of Biomedical Engineering 39(5):435-60, 2011.
A26. A. Aviram, N. M. Tsoukias, S. J. Melnick, A. P. Resek and C. Ramachandran. Inhibition ofNitric Oxide Synthesis in Mouse Macrophage Cells by Feverfew Supercritical Extract. Phytother. Res., 26(4):541-5, 2012.
A27. Kapela A., Parikh J. and N.M. Tsoukias. A unifying theory of cell synchronization in vasomotion. Biophysical Journal 102(2):211-20, 2012.
A28. C.H T. Tran, M. S. Taylor, F. Plane, S. Nagaraja, N.M. Tsoukias, E.J. Vigmond and D.G. Welsh. Endothelial Ca2+ wavelets and the induction of myoendothelial feedback. American Journal of Physiology 302(8):C1226-42, 2012.
A29. Nagarja.S., A. Kapela and N. M. Tsoukias. Intercellular communication in the vascular wall: A modeling perspective .Microcirculation; 19(5):391-402, 2012.
A30. Hong Yu , Hongwei Shao , Jing Yan ,Nikolaos M. Tsoukias and Ming-Sheng Zhou. Bone Marrow Transplantation Improves Endothelial Function in Hypertensive Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats. Journal of the American Society of Hypertension; 6(5):331-7, 2012.
A31. K. Madrasi, T. Gadkari, M. S. Joshi and N.M. Tsoukias. Glutathiyl Radical as an Intermediate in the Glutathione Nitrosation. Free Radic Biol Med; 53(10):1968-76, 2012.
A32. Namin S., S. Nofallah, M. Joshi and N.M. Tsoukias. Kinetic analysis of Diaminofluorescein activation by NO: Toward calibration of a NO-sensitive fluorescence probe. Nitric Oxide;28:39-46, 2013.
A33. S. Nagaraja, A. Kapela, C. Tran, D. Welsh and N.M. Tsoukias. Role of microprojections in myoendothelial feedback: A theoretical study. Journal of Physiol; 591(11): 2795-2812, 2013.
A34. Gadkari T. V., N. Cortes, N M. Tsoukias, and M. S. Joshi. Agmatine Induced NO Dependent Rat Mesenteric Artery Relaxation and its Impairment in Salt-Sensitive Hypertension. (Nitric Oxide, 35C:65-71, 2013.
A35. J. Parikh, Kapela A. and N.M. Tsoukias. Stochastic model of a TRPV4 Calcium sparklet: Effect of bursting and cooperativity on endothelial-derived hyperpolarization. Biophysical Journal 108 (6): 1566-1576, 2015.
A36. C. G. Scheitlin, J. A. Julian, S. Shanmughapriya, M. Madesh, N. M Tsoukias, B. R. Alevriadou. Endothelial mitochondria regulate the intracellular Ca2+ response to fluid shear stress. American Journal of Physiology 310(6): C479-C490, 2016.
A37. I Lin Ho, Arash Moshkforoush, Kwangseok Hong, Gerald A. Meininger, Michael A. Hill, Nikolaos M. Tsoukias, and Watson Kuo. Inherent rhythm of smooth muscle cells in rat mesenteric arterioles: An eigensystem formulation. Physical Review E (93(4-1):042415), 2016.
A38. J. Parikh, Kapela A. and N.M. Tsoukias. Can endothelial Hemoglobin αlpha regulate Nitric Oxide vasodilatory signaling? American Journal of Physiology, 108(6):1566-1576. 2017.
A39. Williams A, Nasim S, Salinas M, Moshkforoush A, Tsoukias N, Ramaswamy S. A “sweet-spot” for fluid-induced oscillations in the conditioning of stem cell-based engineered heart valve tissues. J Biomech. 2017 Dec 8;65:40-48, 2017. PMID: 29054608
A40. Kapela A, Behringer EJ, Segal SS, Tsoukias NM. Biophysical properties of microvascular endothelium: Requirements for initiating and conducting electrical signals. Microcirculation. 2018 Feb;25(2).12429. PMID: 29117630
A41. Koide M, Moshkforoush A, Tsoukias NM, Hill-Eubanks DC, Wellman GC, Nelson MT, Dabertrand F. The yin and yang of KV channels in cerebral small vessel pathologies. Microcirculation. 2018 Jan;25(1):12436. Review. PMID: 29247493